Micro BlogIN
11 months ago
Updated to more advance version. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
The best Twitter alternative still in development: Micro BlogIN CEO @TrilokSingh
Trilok Singh
12 months ago
The Theme of International Youth Day 2023 is "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World". If we want to have a successful transition to a greener world, we will have to develop green skills in the masses. Green Skills are related to knowledge, abilities and a certain type of attitude which is required for efficient living. #TrilokSingh #InternationalYouthDay2023 #YD
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
Top Five Twitter (X) Alternatives in 2023. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
Key Features:
- Tweet&Retweet system, Polls, Upload images&videos, Import GIFs, News feed, Chat, Day & Night modes, Notifications, Like, Comment&story system.
- A user can tweet text, photos&videos, A user can follow other users&be followed back.
- A user can search for specific topics and hashtags.
- Every user has their own individual feed where they can see updates from the people they follow -Users can direct messages to each other.
- The Micro BlogIN interface is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
Micro BlogIN's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. We builds the latest social networking technology and services that enable people to connect with each other, build community and grow business.

Our commitment to expression is paramount, but it recognises that the Internet creates new and increased opportunities for abuse. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
Thus, It is an advanced microblogging and social media platform where you can connect with people, grow business and career worldwide. Additionally, the code structure of Micro BlogIN has a full Application Programming Interface (API) system, which makes it unique and more powerful than other software.

It is a place for you to share the things and thoughts that are important to you and your community that will strengthen our vibrant Democracy. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
It is an Ultimate Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) based Platform that supports a 'Follow and Tweet System' like world's leading social networking sites (SNSs). It is a place for you to share the things and ideas that are important to you and your community that will strengthen Democracy. You own all of the Tweet and information that you tweet, and you can control how it is shared through your Account Privacy and Tweet settings. Importantly, the Micro BlogIN website and application helps you to Tweet, chat, post, share, advertise and earn money. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago
Founded in January 01, 2023 by CEO Trilok Singh, When we first started out, our passion for Connecting people Globally. Micro BlogIN is a completely Different Modern social media than other Social media platforms because of our users data encryption privacy policy. We keep encrypted data of Micro BlogIN users. We have Users from all over the world. It is a modern microblogging platform for sharing media content, an analogue of social networks. #MicroBlogIN #TrilokSingh #TrilokSingh
Micro BlogIN
12 months ago (E)
#MicroBlogIN is a social media and microblogging platform that allows users to share short updates, tweets and thoughts with the Micro BlogIN community. Users can follow other users to see their updates in their feed, and can also interact with other users by liking, commenting on, or replying to their posts. Micro BlogIN is a great way to connect with friends and followers, and to discover new interesting people and ideas. It's a social media and microblogging site that is committed to promoting healthy conversations and raising awareness about important issues. #TrilokSingh @TrilokSingh
Neil Britto
12 months ago

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